Targa Tim:


yesterday, I went to Richmond center (a local big mall).  There was a line of Tesla chargers outside of the Bay, fully occupied.  Then there were other Tesla lining up, waiting to be charged.  I thought to myself - what a total waste of time.  I then fill up my car in the gas station, took less than 5 minutes.  

There are 20 'fast' chargers there. And yes, it is a waste of time. And money. For the time it takes to charge up 1 car, you can see a couple patients, so that's your time cost for charging, not even counting the waiting time, which could mean another couple billable patients more, the money adds up. 

I do not think electric cars are our future.  I don't have one, don't plan to get one.  Maybe a hybrid later just for fun.  Gas price never bother me. 

You lucky your kids are grown up and you don't have to drive them to school. I do and I NEED that HOV sticker to get past traffic to not waste time. Again, time cost. 15-20 mins a time do add up. 

if people think they are so environmentally friendly by driving EV, they should stop flying and cruising.

when EVs get old, they will create a lot of garbage for the world.  None of my friends paid to own them, all just lease, as we all know they are worthless when old. 

None of my concern. All I care is the governmental benefits. If that stop, I will stop also. I PAID my taxes, I needed to get my money's worth of benefits. 

Even if you don't WANT to buy a EV, still buy one for trade in for your next car, the tax credit is too big to ignore. You only pay 5% sales tax for a used EV that's only good for trade in, but that same EV is good for 26% the other way, well 21% in reality as the GST can't be skipped. AND you can buy multiple EVs to trade to make up the whole purchase price. Can't skip the Federal luxury tax however. 
